% This file was created with JabRef 2.3.1. % Encoding: ISO8859_2 @MASTERSTHESIS{Sustr07, author = {Matej Sustr}, title = {Analyza bezpecnosti standardu IEEE 802.11 Security Analysis of the IEEE 802.11 Standard}, school = {Fakulta Elektrotechniky a Informatiky, Slovenska Technicka Univerzita, Bratislava}, year = {2007}, month = {5}, note = {supervisor: Ing. Martin Rakus, PhD.}, abstract = {Protokoly a ine prvky zabezpecujuce bezdrotove siete IEEE 802.11 su prelomitelne. Tato praca sa venuje popisu jednotlivych moznosti zabezpecenia, ktorymi su skryvanie SSID, filtrovanie MAC adries, sifrovanie a autentifikacia pomocou WEP, WPA, WPA2, zabezpecenie na vyssich vrstvach a ine. Ukazuje prakticke utoky na tieto bezpecnostne prvky, utoky za ucelom zamietnutia sluzby a moznosti utokov muza v strede. Navrhuje mozne opatrenia proti tymto utokom, odporucania pre pouzivatela, administratora, ako aj vyrobcov zariadeni. The protocols and other means of securing IEEE 802.11 wireless networks can be broken. This thesis describes the particular means of securing the network, such as SSID hiding, MAC address filtering, using WEP, WPA and WPA2 encryption and authentication, securing at higher network layers and such. Practical attacks on these security measures are shown, including denial of service and possibilities of man-in-the-middle attacks. Possible countermeasures for these attacks are proposed, as well as recommendations for users, administrators and equipment manufacturers are given.}, comment = {supervisor: Ing. Martin Rakus, PhD.}, keywords = {wireless 802.11 wi-fi security WEP WPA WPA2 hacking attacks DoS denial-of-service CTS framespam}, timestamp = {2007.05.09}, url = {http://matej.sustr.sk/publ/dipl/} } @MISC{Sustr07p, author = {Matej Sustr}, title = {Analyza bezpecnosti standardu IEEE 802.11 (prezentacia) Security Analysis of the IEEE 802.11 Standard (slideshow)}, month = {6}, year = {2007}, note = {supervisor: Ing. Martin Rakus, PhD.}, abstract = {Prezentacia k diplomovej praci. Slideshow supplementing the thesis.}, comment = {supervisor: Ing. Martin Rakus, PhD.}, crossref = {Sustr07}, keywords = {wireless 802.11 wi-fi security WEP WPA WPA2 hacking attacks DoS denial-of-service CTS framespam}, school = {Fakulta Elektrotechniky a Informatiky, Slovenska Technicka Univerzita, Bratislava}, timestamp = {2007.06.19}, url = {http://matej.sustr.sk/publ/dipl/} }